Lounge wear, Vectorize, Hoodie,Decorative Hoodie,clipart,lineart,line art,t-shirt,t-shrits,tee shrits,designs,silk,screen,teeshirts, screen-printing,embroidery,logo,mascot,Hello! I created this Hoodie to go with a pair of matching cropped pants I created. I used vectorize to pull in a scroll work pattern from the internet, cut it out of two different materials and then began layering in a neat pattern. Cadworx makes it so simple that even recreational users like myself find it simple.,,Saint Clair Shores,MI,48081

Decorative Hoodie

by: jejoseph - Monday April 12, 2010

Hello! I created this Hoodie to go with a pair of matching cropped pants I created. I used vectorize to pull in a scroll work pattern from the internet, cut it out of two different materials and then began layering in a neat pattern. Cadworx makes it so simple that even recreational users like myself find it simple.


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