Multi-Colored,CAD-CUT ,Mult-Colored CAD-CUT Shirt,clipart,lineart,line art,t-shirt,t-shrits,tee shrits,designs,silk,screen,teeshirts, screen-printing,embroidery,logo,mascot,We made these multi-colored CAD-CUT shirts for an industry gathering. The Cut-by-Color feature in VectorCut made cutting and applying my color layers in registration a breeze.,Groupe Stahl,Phoenix,AZ,56224

Mult-Colored CAD-CUT Shirt

by: gpeirce - Tuesday April 06, 2010

We made these multi-colored CAD-CUT shirts for an industry gathering. The Cut-by-Color feature in VectorCut made cutting and applying my color layers in registration a breeze.


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  • by amlizza
  • - Tony Lizza, Owner Shake Down Swag - Tony
  • Tue-May,26 - 4:48:47 PM
    "Very Nice"
  • Hello There
  • Thu-Apr,24 - 8:06:11 PM
    "Very nice work indeed! No smear marks or stains, better than my work!"
    Thu-Dec,6 - 5:06:26 PM
    "This look can be made either with the print and cut method or CAD-CUT. If using print/cut, simply create the design, place a cut contour around it using the cut outline feature in the Cadworx Print Designer and export to .pdf...VersaWorks supports .pdf and recognizes the cut outline automatically. For this design, I used CAD-CUT. I cut each color layer separately then applied them one at a time. It took a couple seconds longer to create this look using CAD-CUT, but I saved few bucks."
    Fri-Apr,9 - 11:25:28 AM
    "This is a four color CAD-CUT design using Imprintables Warehouse Spectra II material. I applied each color layer separately. Now that Cadworxlive can drive the VersaCAMM Print and Cut System, next time I would print this and apply it in one layer. "
  • Hello There
  • Tue-Apr,6 - 8:10:35 PM
    "What was the process? Were all the color cut serperately or were the foreground colors print-and-cut applied onto the white background?"

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